SP25-41 Whole School Wellbeing Promotion through Positive Behaviour Support: The Overview

Whole School Wellbeing Promotion through Positive Behaviour Support: The Overview (P)
DATE: Tuesday, 11th February 2025
TIME: 7pm - 8pm
VENUE: Online Via Zoom
Supporting compliance with the ‘Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework for Practice’ (2018-
Wellbeing ‘protective factors have been found to promote positive outcomes for children and young people, even when they have been exposed to risk factors, (Cooper, Jacobs 2011).
Within the school context therefore implementing a preventative wellbeing promotion process, that has a focus on strengthening school based protective factors and minimising school based
risk factors is recommended’ (Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework for Practice, page 13).
This training will go through some of the main principals of the model ‘Positive Behaviour
Support’, showing it’s framework as a tool to promote Whole School Wellbeing that aligns with
school’s Tier 1: Continuum of Support: Whole School and Classroom Support for All.
Presented by Co-owners of Achieve Behaviour Solutions: Karen Hoey (BA. Psychology;
MSc. ABA; MEBS) and Naomi Powell (Bsc. Psychology; MA Clinical Psychology; MEBS;
Ps.S.I. Behavioural Division Committee Member).
Presenters: Karen Hoey & Naomi Powell
Presented by Co-owners of Achieve Behaviour Solutions: Karen Hoey (BA. Psychology;
MSc. ABA; MEBS) and Naomi Powell (Bsc. Psychology; MA Clinical Psychology; MEBS;
Ps.S.I. Behavioural Division Committee Member).
Course Details
Course Start Date / Time | 11-02-2025 7:00 pm |
Course End Date / Time | 11-02-2025 8:00 pm |
Cut off date | 11-02-2025 7:00 pm |
Capacity | 1000 |
Course Fee | Free |
Location | Online |