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SP25-27 Carol Gray Social Stories 10.4

SP25-27 Carol Gray Social Stories 10.4

25TRA057 Carol Gray Social Stories 10.4

Dates:   Wednesday 8th, 15th, 22nd 29th Jan & 5th Feb2025
Time:     7pm to 8.30pm (5 x 1.5 hour sessions) Greenwich Mean Time
Venue:  Online via Zoom

 **Please note the sessions will be recorded and will be shared with registrants after each session.**

Target Audience 

This webinar is for parents and professionals working on behalf of infants, toddlers, children, adolescents, or adults with a diagnosis of autism or other social-communication delay or difference. Participants who attend all sessions in their entirety receive a Social Stories 10.4 Certificate of Completion.

Short Description

Social Stories™* are a very popular evidence based instructional strategy used worldwide with people with a diagnosis of autism as well as other social communication disorders. They are a wonderful ‘go to’ intervention for an infinite variety of purposes.  Unfortunately, they are frequently misused and misunderstood – resulting in stories… but definitely not Social Stories.  Using lecture, discussion, demonstration, and a series of very short, fun, and informative activities, participants will learn how to develop a Social Story (or Social Article for adults) according to the recently updated and revised Social Stories 10.4 Criteria.  The time will fly by!  Participants will finish the course understanding and knowing how to develop Social Stories, with a certificate to prove it.

At the conclusion of this workshop, each participant will be able to:

  1.  Define the term Social Story;
  2. Describe the Social Story philosophy, Social Humility:
  3. List the current Social Stories 10.4** Criteria;
  4. Explain the difference between a Social Story and a story;
  5. List the five most frequent Social Story errors and how to avoid them; 
  6. Summarize five case examples of Social Stories that teach concepts and skills;
  7. Explain how Social Stories improve parent and professional responses to the children, adolescents, or adults in their care; and;
  8. Research, write, and illustrate a genuine Social Story for an infant, toddler, or child, or a Social Article for an adolescent or adult.

Time-Ordered Agenda

This online workshop is complete in five one-and-one-half hour sessions.  Since start and closing times for workshops vary, sponsors insert their own times for each session.  (You may change times to fit your schedule, as long as we have at least 6 hours of instructional time.  Contact me if we don’t).

  • First session:  Criterion 1
  • Second session: Criterion 2
  • Third session - Criteria 3-4
  • Fourth session:  Criteria 5-7
  • Fifth session: Criteria 8-10 / Write a Social Story

Bio of Presenter: Carol Gray

carol gray headshot

Carol Gray began her career as a teacher for four children with autism at Jenison Public Schools, in Jenison, Michigan.  Currently, she works as a consultant to children, adolescents, and adults with a diagnosis on the autism spectrum, providing support via workshops and presentations, information, referral, resources, and direct services for individuals with autism, their families, and professionals who work on their behalf.  Carol is best known for the development of Social Stories, a well-respected evidence-based practice used worldwide with people with autism of all ages.  She is an internationally sought-after keynote and seminar speaker and has completed over 1,200 presentations.  Carol serves on many advisory boards, including the Advisory Board on Disabilities for Delta Air Lines.

Carol is also the founder of a very effective social philosophy that 1) ‘abandons all assumptions’, 2) regards both the typical and autism perspective as ‘equally valid’, and 3) recognizes the ‘social impairment in autism’ as shared (noting the well-intentioned but nonetheless misguided mistakes of parents and professionals).  She has completed ground-breaking work on some of the toughest topics in autism by reviewing the research, outlining new theories, and developing practical instructional strategies, most notably Gray’s Guide to Bullying (2004) and Gray’s Guide to Loss, Learning, and Students with ASD (2003). 

Carol has received many awards for her work, including Social Thinking’s Lifetime Achievement Award (San Francisco, 2015); Learning Spring School’s Spectrum Award for her global efforts in education and improving the lives of people with autism (New York City, 2012), the Autism Society of America Education Book of the Year, The New Social Story Book: Revised and Expanded 10th Anniversary Edition (2009), and the Barbara Lipinski Award (Lansing, Michigan, 2005) for her international contribution to the education and welfare of people with autism. 


Carol has written several articles and chapters in addition to the resources that are listed below.   Many of them are available online as a free download in The Morning News/Jenison Autism Journal and Carol’s Club sections of Carol’s website,

  • Gray, C. (2017 - present).  Carol’s Club.  A subscription-based series of Social Story related projects requested by club members.
  • Gray, C.  (2015). The new Social Story™ book: 15th anniversary edition. Arlington, TX: Future Horizons.
  • Gray, C. (2012). The last bedtime story that we read each night. Arlington, TX: Sensory World / Future Horizons.
  • Gray, C.  2010). The new Social Story™ book: Revised and expanded 10th anniversary edition. Arlington, TX: Future Horizons.
  • Gray, C. (2004).  Social Stories™ 10.0.  Jenison Autism Journal: 15, (4), 2-21.
  • Gray, C. (2002). Watch, listen, move closer, ease in. Jenison Autism Journal: 14, (3), 10 page rip-out insert.
  • Gray, C. (2000a).  Writing Social Stories with Carol Gray [Video and accompanying workbook]. Arlington, TX: Future Horizons.
  • Gray, C. (1999). Gray’s guide to compliments.  The Morning News: 11, (1), 20 page rip-out insert.
  • Gray, C. (1998a). Social Stories and Comic Strip Conversations (pp.167-198). In Schopler, E., Mesibov, G., and Kunce, L. (Eds.), Asperger Syndrome or High-Functioning Autism? New York: Plenum Press.
  • Gray, C. (1998b). The Advanced Social Story workbook.  The Morning News: 10, (2), 24 page rip-out insert.
  • Gray, C. (1995).  Teaching children with autism to “read” social situations.  In Quill, K.A. (Ed.), Teaching Children with Autism: Strategies to Enhance Communication and Socialization.  New York: Delmar Publishers, Inc. 
  • Gray, C. (1994). Comic strip conversations.  Arlington, TX: Future Horizons.
  • Gray, C. & Garand, J. (1993). Social Stories: Improving responses of individuals with autism with accurate social information. Focus on Autistic Behavior, 8, 1-10.

Course Details

Course Start Date / Time 08-01-2025 7:00 pm
Course End Date / Time 05-02-2025 8:30 pm
Cut off date 05-02-2025 7:00 pm
Capacity 1000
Course Fee €10.00 for series of webinars
Location Online

Full or cut off date has passed

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