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POST PRIMARY NEPS WEBINARS FROM 23rd January - 6th February

POST PRIMARY NEPS WEBINARS FROM 23rd January - 6th February

Understanding & Supporting Literacy Difficulties/Dyslexia.



Post Primary


Thursday 23rd January 



Fiona Clancy 

Eilis Wallace Chisholm

Pauline Kerins

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Based on the NEPS resource Supporting Pupils with Literacy Difficulties using the Continuum of Support (Post-Primary), this webinar provides an overview of how schools can adopt a problem-solving approach to support pupils who experience difficulties with literacy, including pupils with dyslexia. 

Learning Outcomes include:

•           Develop an understanding of how to support pupils who experience literacy difficulties, including pupils with dyslexia, at the levels of Whole School and Classroom Support (for All), School Support (for Some) and School Support (Plus) for a Few.

•           Develop an understanding of how the problem-solving approach can be applied to the processes of identification, assessment, intervention, and monitoring of response to intervention, at each level of the Continuum of Support.

Provide information on evidence-informed approaches to supporting pupils with literacy difficulties, including pupils with dyslexia.

Reluctant Attendance and School Avoidance Behaviour





Post Primary


Thursday 30th January



Dr Kerry Moore &

Adele McConkey

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This one-hour webinar aims to provide information to schools on how to manage Reluctant School Attendance and School Avoidance Behaviour

Reluctant attendance and school avoidance behaviour describes students’ reluctance to go to school, being late for school/absent from school regularly, or for long periods of time and partial absences.  NEPS have developed guidance documents to support schools and parents.

The webinar will orient attendees to these guidance documents for parents and schools and provide schools with information and best practice for schools in supporting students to attend and stay in school.

Introducing Trauma informed practice – the stress factor getting the balance right








Post Primary



February 4th 



Orla Dunne

Dwyer, Eileen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This training is a taster information session for online eLearning training which focuses on a whole school and class approach to Trauma Informed practice.

It explores stress and its impact on wellbeing learning and behaviour.  It provides practical advice on how best to manage stress for all in the school community including children and young people with additional needs and those who have experienced trauma.   

Having completed this course school leaders will have gained an insight into:

•           how stress affects learning and wellbeing

•           the impact of adversity on the ability to tolerate stress

•           the impact of prolonged stress on health and wellbeing

•           recognising how stress may be expressed through behaviour

•           what school staff can do to identify, prevent and minimize possible sources of stress in the school environment

•           how school staff can support children and young people who have become dysregulated due to stress

•           the importance of recognising and managing their own sources of stress and that of staff

Participants will be given information on a new eLearning course which has been developed to allow for self-directed, self-paced learning for all staff.

Introducing Trauma informed practice – the stress factor getting the balance right







Post Primary



February 6th



Orla Dunne

Dwyer, Eileen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This training is a taster information session for online eLearning training which focuses on a whole school and class approach to Trauma Informed practice.

It explores stress and its impact on wellbeing learning and behaviour.  It provides practical advice on how best to manage stress for all in the school community including children and young people with additional needs and those who have experienced trauma.   

Having completed this course school leaders will have gained an insight into:

•           how stress affects learning and wellbeing

•           the impact of adversity on the ability to tolerate stress

•           the impact of prolonged stress on health and wellbeing

•           recognising how stress may be expressed through behaviour

•           what school staff can do to identify, prevent and minimize possible sources of stress in the school environment

•           how school staff can support children and young people who have become dysregulated due to stress

•           the importance of recognising and managing their own sources of stress and that of staff

Participants will be given information on a new eLearning course which has been developed to allow for self-directed, self-paced learning for all staff.

Course Details

Course Start Date / Time 23-01-2025 4:15 pm
Course End Date / Time 06-02-2025 5:15 pm
Cut off date 06-02-2025 10:00 am
Capacity 1000
Course Fee ZERO
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