Not to Miss
♦A full listing of all courses currently available for Post Primary School Teachers is available to view here
♦We welcome feedback from all our course participants. Please take a moment to complete our course feedback survey and let us know how best to support you.
♦Do you have a specific classroom need? Contact Navan Education & Support Centre and let us know how we can support you
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General Resources
Useful Links
Technology in Education
Using iPad or iphone as an overhead camera on zoom
Screencasting- where a teacher makes a screen recording and speaks over it to make a tutorial video for students.
UrAbility offers a free guide to Assistive Technology for Learning
Transition Year
Check out the BFireSafe@school website at where you can register as a teacher and view the content
Annual citizenship & democracy programme Full Details Here
Subject Specific Post Primary Resources
Gaeloideachas: Webinar and booklet for parents of students in Irish Medium Schools
Gaeloideachas in collaboration with the Dyslexia Association of Ireland published a booklet giving advice to the parents of students with dyslexia in Irish medium schools in June 2020. They held a webinar when the booklet was published. The webinar and a free download of the booklet are available at
Supporting the educational needs of Gaeltacht schools and of Gaelscoileanna
Virtual Tour of Battle of The Boyne Estate and educational information packs for primary and secondary schools
Exploring the Irish Wars 1919-1923
A fascinating exhibition on mobile technology and data, and how it can be manipulated Courtesy of Tactical Tech and promoted by The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
Visual Arts
Foreign Languages
Music resources courtesy of Comhaltas