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AUT24-143 Rath sa tSraith

AUT24-143 Rath sa tSraith

 24TRA407 Rath sa tSraith

TIME:       7.00PM - 8.00PM

Target Audience: Múinteoirí Gaeilge atá ag múineadh na hArdteiste (Ardleibhéal Agus Gnáthleibhéal).

Díreofar an webinar seo ar dhá straitéis (Ardleibhéal agus Gnáthleibhéal) chun na Sraitheanna Pictiúir a mhúineadh i mbealach gníomhach, a chuireann béim ar an teanga labhartha agus cumarsáid a dhéanamh ar leibhéal atá cuí do dhaltaí ar chumais éagsúla. This webinar will focus on 2 strategies (Higher Level and Ordinary Level) to teach the Sraith Pictiúir in an active way that emphasises spoken Irish and communication at a level suitable to students of different abilities.

Bio of Presenter:  Vikki Ní Bhréin


Vikki Ní Bhréin is an Irish and geography teachers with over 10 years of experience teaching in a variety of diverse school settings. She has worked as a foreign language teaching assistant in the U.S.A. with the Fulbright programme and taught workshops on grammatical pedagogy as part of the P.M.E. in UCD. She is especially interested and passionate about spoken Irish and immersion education.

Course Details

Course Start Date / Time 03-10-2024 7:00 pm
Course End Date / Time 03-10-2024 8:00 pm
Cut off date 03-10-2024 7:00 pm
Capacity 1000
Course Fee Free
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