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SP25-10 EAL – Ways to Develop Language Outside the Classroom

SP25-10 EAL – Ways to Develop Language Outside the Classroom
    EAL – Ways to Develop Language Outside the Classroom (P) (SNAs)

    EAL – Ways to Develop Language Outside the Classroom

    DATE:      Wednesday, 12th February 2025
    TIME:       7.00 pm to 8.00 pm
    VENUE:   Online Via Zoom

    Target Audience: SNAs, Primary Teachers 

    What happens when we take our learning outside?  Do you know what outdoor is and how it benefits the development of language?

    Kirsten moved here last year from Scotland where outdoor learning is an entitlement of all learners.  She will share some ways of how taking EAL learners outside can provide targeted support.

    Kirsten will share ready made resources that can be used with all learners in the classroom.

    Presenter - Kirsten Barrett 


    Kirsten Barrett is a Scottish primary school teacher from Glasgow. Glasgow has been welcoming refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants for decades.  Kirsten has taught for 15 years and has specialised as an English as an Additional Language (EAL) teacher.  In that time she has spoken at various different events and is keen to help others learn from each other.

    Recently she has relocated to her home in Cork and is looking forward to developing her own knowledge of the Irish system.  She is a keen reader of children’s books and a huge advocate for Reading for Pleasure.

    Course Details

    Course Start Date / Time 12-02-2025 7:00 pm
    Course End Date / Time 12-02-2025 8:00 pm
    Cut off date 12-02-2025 7:00 pm
    Capacity 1000
    Course Fee Free
    Location Online

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